What to Expect?
Our church meets inside the Wehr Auditorium at Alverno College on Sunday mornings at 10:00 am (class beforehand at 8:45 am).
We recommend entering campus at 41st St. from Morgan Ave. From there, Christopher Hall will be immediately on your right (east). Inside is the Wehr Auditorium.
A small parking lot is available immediately outside of Christopher Hall, as well as overflow parking across the street.
When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by a friendly crew . While you’re here, be sure to visit our resource table for more information about our church.
Infants and toddlers can be signed into our nursery. Children from ages 3-years-old up to 5th grade can be dismissed to their classes after the initial portion of the service.
During our service, we will sing songs, pray, confess our faith together, read scripture, observe the Lord’s Supper, and listen to a sermon explaining a portion of God’s Word.
Wehr Auditorium (Christopher Hall)
Alverno College
3400 S 43rd St.
Milwaukee, WI 53234
Sunday mornings
From 10:00-11:30 AM
(Class at 8:45 AM)
Who we are
We are a Bible-believing, evangelical church located on the southside of Milwaukee. We aim to be Bible-based, Christ-focused, gospel-saturated, and mission-oriented in all that we do.
The Bible is the foundation for what we believe, and our highest authority for what is true and right. Our church beliefs are broadly evangelical, and our teaching is Reformed and Baptistic in persuasion.
As we pursue living out and living into our mission, we strive to make scripture our guide in how to conduct ourselves as a church. We want to identify those things that cultivate a healthy church.
Online giving is available through either PayPal or Tithely.
The local church is God’s appointed context for the Christian life. Our growth and health as Christians is inescapably relational.
Towards this end, Christ has supplied his church with certain gifts in order that we might serve each other and build one another up towards maturity in Christ.
As we seek to make continually maturing followers of Jesus through the power of the gospel, our call and our duty is to minister to one another. We do this primarily through the prayerful application of God’s Word.