Prayer for the Mueller Family
Please pray for the Mueller family while Laura is healing from pneumonia. Also, if you'd like to bring their family of 4 a meal during this time, the Meal Train link is in our CrossWay Connections Facebook group or you can email to sign up. Thank you for praying and caring for their family in this way.
Upcoming Events
Getting to Know CrossWay (Membership Class) | Moved to Sundays in February | 8:45 AM | Alverno Classroom
At CrossWay, we believe it is the Biblical pattern and privilege for every believer to publicly join themselves to a local church. If you are not yet an official member of CrossWay, we would highly encourage you to attend this class to learn more about our church and what it means to become a member.
Save the Date
Women’s Retreat | March 1st - 2nd | ChristPond Retreat Center
Youth Ministry
The youth will be met twice a month as a group and once a month with different CrossWay families. The heart behind the youth meeting with different families is to engage and be involved with the greater CrossWay family. If you would like to volunteer to host the youth (ex: ice cream social, board games, cooking, grill-outs, bonfire, etc) or volunteer as a mentor please see Sam Park.
Discipleship Opportunities
We want to make you aware of our discipleship/mentorship initiative. The Personal Development Assessment is available to fill out on the website. Once submitted, an elder will reach out to review your responses and help you create a plan for growth. And in addition to other training ministries (e.g., Text Group, Training Seminars), we look forward to connecting you with one-on-one (Mentorship) or smaller group ("Growth Groups") discipleship opportunities with other members in the church. We encourage all members of CrossWay to fill out the Personal Development Assessment each year.
Online giving options are available via PayPal or Tithely.
Our weekly giving and year-to-date totals can be found on our website.
Sermon Materials
Current Series - The Gospel According to Mark | The Unexpected King
According to Mark, Jesus is the coming King who is bringing God's kingdom. But the sort of King he is, and the sort of kingdom he brings, is quite unexpected. Jesus is a king who suffers and serves. And he calls his followers, the citizens of his kingdom, to do likewise—to walk in his way and carry their cross.