Deacon Vote for Peter Merritt
Peter Merritt has been nominated to be voted on for deaconship. You can read our Deacon & Elder Handbook to learn about our understanding of the Biblical office of deacon, as well as CrossWay’s process of deacon nomination, screening, and appointment (see also our Constitution & Bylaws). At this time, we ask that you prayerfully consider Peter according to the qualifications in 1 Tim 3:8-13, and speak privately to the elders with questions or concerns you might have. A congregational vote will be conducted (electronically) from February 19th - 25th (all members will be emailed a ballot).
Serving at CrossWay
Are you interested in serving? While the window to sign-up for serving opens July-August, you can email if you are interested. The serving schedule for this calendar year is also available in the member section of the website. If you are interested in serving with one of our local ministries, check out the list of partners available in the member section of our website.
Upcoming Events
Getting to Know CrossWay (Membership Class) | Sundays in February | 8:45 AM | Alverno Classroom
At CrossWay, we believe it is the Biblical pattern and privilege for every believer to publicly join themselves to a local church. If you are not yet an official member of CrossWay, we would highly encourage you to attend this class to learn more about our church and what it means to become a member.
Family Gathering | Sun., Feb. 4th | 5 - 7 PM | Stibbe House
Join us for a time of fellowship on Sunday, February 4th at the Stibbe's home from 5-7 pm. Find more info and sign up to bring food at the Resource Table, or on the CrossWay Connections facebook page.
Women’s Retreat | Fri., March 1st - Sat., March 2nd | ChristPond Retreat Center
Join us for a refreshing time of fellowship, study, worship, and prayer while we unpack how Jesus transforms wicked, messy sinners for His glory and fame! Attend overnight on March 1st - 2nd. Friday night dinner will begin at 6 PM, but you can arrive as early as 2:30 PM. There are limited spots available for overnight. Or attend for the day on Saturday, March 2nd from 8:15 AM - 3 PM. The retreat is held at ChristPond Retreat Center (N1599 WI-57, Random Lake, WI 53075) and the cost to attend is $50 overnight or $35 for attending only on Saturday. Please register here! Registration closes on February 23rd.
Monthly Children's Material
This month, our children will continue to work through their Gospel Story Bible lessons, the New City Catechism, our hymn of the month, and their monthly memory verse. Be sure to grab a copy of the hand motions for the memory verse at our Resource Table. View the full schedule and access these materials on our members' webpage. Parents, we encourage you to use and reinforce this material with your children in your family devotions!
Online giving options are available via PayPal or Tithely.
Our weekly giving and year-to-date totals can be found on our website.
Sermon Materials
Current Series - The Gospel According to Mark | The Unexpected King
According to Mark, Jesus is the coming King who is bringing God's kingdom. But the sort of King he is, and the sort of kingdom he brings, is quite unexpected. Jesus is a king who suffers and serves. And he calls his followers, the citizens of his kingdom, to do likewise—to walk in his way and carry their cross.