News & Events


Fasting and Prayer
We'd like to invite Crossway into a weekend of fasting and prayer Friday, January 3rd through Sunday the 5th, with a special time of prayer together before church on Sunday at 8:45 in a classroom. If there's enough interest, we may have childcare in another classroom. Whether you choose to fast for all, part, or none of each day, please join us in prayer for Crossway, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, the US, and people across the globe

PayPal Giving Update
We have a new opportunity to give through PayPal without charging CrossWay with fees. It is a different link than the previous PayPal link. Here are instructions on to give with this option. Currently there isn’t a recurring payment option. To give with PayPal (no fees), click here or go to our website and click on ‘Give’ for the link.

Upcoming Events

Baptism | Sunday, January 19th | Redeemer Church | after service
Join us as we celebrate baptism together as a church at Redeemer Church following the service at Alverno. All are welcome to come. If you are interested in baptism in the future, reach out to the elders.


Monthly Children's Material
This month, our children will continue to work through The Biggest Story lessons, the New City Catechism and our hymn of the month, View the full schedule and access these materials on our members' webpage. Parents, we encourage you to use and reinforce this material with your children in your family devotions!


Online giving options are available via PayPal or Tithely or PayPal(no fees).

Our weekly giving and year-to-date totals can be found on our website.

Sermon Materials

This Sunday’s Sermon: Drip-by-Drip (Part III)- Dan Allen

Current Series - Ephesians: Immeasurable Riches-Empowered to Walk as God’s Household
The book of Ephesians is concise, practical and powerful. Paul declares that God has poured out blessings upon His redeemed people - His household - out of the immeasurable riches of His grace. Believers are assured that not only is the best is yet to come, but we have power available to us today so that we might walk as is fitting for people rescued from the judgment and power of sin, in every sphere of life. Join us as we behold the immeasurable riches of God’s grace which empower us to live as God’s household.