Website Down
Are you having a hard time accessing our website? So are we! We are sorry for the inconvenience of the website not working. We are working as fast as we can to correct this. Thanks for your grace ahead of time! We will notify everyone when it is restored. If you need links email Laura at
Deeper Roots 2024
At our family meeting, the elders cast vison and mission for Deeper Roots in leadership, discipleship and in the city. They are asking all attenders to consider how they might be apart of investing in deeper roots by filling out this form for planning and mobilizing people. Our prayer is that everyone would fill it out as soon as possible.
Lafto Church Zoom | Monday, June 3rd | 9am on zoom
Join us for a zoom with the pastor of Lafto Church and World Orphan Organization as we hear all God is doing in Ethiopia and at Lafto Church and how we might partner and pray with them. Here is the link to the zoom call.
Kids Memory Verse Challenge | June 23rd-August | Pre-Service Weekly 8:45-9:45am
Last chance to sign up for the Kid’s memory verse challenge this week. Volunteers needed too. Both signs ups can be found on the resource table at church on Sunday. Email Admin to sign up or for questions.
Meal Train for Gill Family
Sarah Gill had gallbladder surgery. Needless to say, recovering from this as well as having a newborn and a toddler has made this a challenging time for the Gill family. Will you join in praying for her recovery and that Logan & Sarah would find rest and joy in the Lord in the midst of this trial? Here is a link to the Meal Train.
Women Spring Social | Sunday, June 2nd 2-4pm | Fink Home
Come for the fellowship, leave with a beautiful centerpiece for your spring table! All women and youth group girls are invited to this time of connecting, cut flower arranging, and hearing more about a summer discipleship opportunity for the women of CrossWay. For those interested in reading Growing Together this summer, free copies will be available at the event!
Barrett Missionary at CrossWay | June 9th | Peossa’s Home | 4-6pm
Save the Date for the Barrett family visiting CrossWay. Jeff will be preaching and later that day there will be an opportunity to have a meal together and hear more about their mission work in Albania.
2024-25 Annual Budget Meeting | Sunday, June 16th | after service until 11:30am
It is budget season again. The church budget goes from July 1st - June 30th. We hope you will join us for the family meeting to discuss the tentative budget in more detail, on June 16th, directly after service. A email will be sent out with the tentative budget for you to review and provide feedback prior to the family meeting. A congregation vote on the budget will take place on Sunday, June 16-30th. (Voting will be conducted electronically, starting June 16th; all members will be emailed a ballot).
Camping Overnight | Friday, August 16th-17th | Menomonee Park
Save the Date for CrossWay Camping! All are welcome. More details to come.
Text Groups | First & Second Sunday of every Month | 8:45am-9:45 Pre-service & Wednesdays at 6:30am
Text Groups are weekly gatherings of individuals seeking to grow in their ability to read scripture. Each week someone prepares a worksheet on a different passage of scripture (typically from the current sermon series); and together we strive to improve in our ability to handle God’s Word. Texts Groups meet at various times throughout the week, with one occurring on Sundays at 8:45 AM Alverno classroom and 6:30am on Wednesdays (Contact Dan for information about Wednesday morning Text Groups.)
Training Intensive | Third Sunday of every Month | 8:45am-9:45 Pre-service | Alverno
Our Training Intensive is a year-long training sequence designed to develop leaders in the following areas: (1) Character Transformation, (2) Biblical Discernment, and (3) Ministry Skill. We meet the third Sunday of every month from 8:45-9:45am Pre-service at Alverno. If interested, please contact
Proclamation Groups | Fourth Sunday of every Month | 8:45am-9:45 Pre-service| Alverno
Scripture teaches that God’s people need God’s word if they are to be strong in faith (Ps. 1; 1 Pet. 3:1-3). Therefore, we believe it is worth laboring to not only teach God’s word, but also to equip men and women in this work (2 Tim. 2:2). This is the reason that the Proclamation Group exists. If you believe God has gifted you to teach or are interested in exploring this, we’d love for you to join us. Each participant is required to teach a mock class or preach a sermon at least one time to the group, along with multiple shorter speaking assignments. If interested, please contact
Monthly Children's Material
This month, our children will continue to work through their Gospel Story Bible lessons, the New City Catechism, our hymn of the month, and their monthly memory verse. Be sure to grab a copy of the hand motions for the memory verse at our Resource Table. View the full schedule and access these materials on our members' webpage. Parents, we encourage you to use and reinforce this material with your children in your family devotions!
Online giving options are available via PayPal or Tithely.
Our weekly giving and year-to-date totals can be found on our website.
Sermon Materials
This Sunday’s Sermon: Psalm 110 (Royal) Talk is Cheap with Dave Cartwright
Current Series - Psalms: Songs for Every Season
The Psalms is a songbook, containing 150 of the greatest songs the world has ever heard. They are a gift from God to His people, instructing our hearts how to walk with God through the many seasons of life in this broken world, be it pain or pleasure. Join us as we explore selected psalms of varying types, that our hearts might sing with God's people through the ages, songs for every season.