Text Group | 1st & 2nd Sundays | 8:45-9:45 AM | Alverno classroom
Text Groups are 1st & 2nd Sunday gatherings of individuals seeking to grow in their ability to read scripture. Each week someone prepares a worksheet on a different passage of scripture (typically from the current sermon series); and together we strive to improve in our ability to handle God’s Word. Texts Groups meet at various times throughout the week, with one Text Group occurring Sundays at 8:45am before the service.
UpComing Events
All-Church Small Group Kick Off | Sunday, Sept. 8th |5-7PM | Fink’s House
Join us for a church-wide small group meeting as we kick off our small group season. We will have a meal together with fellowship. If you plan to come, sign up here to plan to bring something.
Women’s Sunrise Prayer | Sat., Sept. 14th | 6 AM | South Shore Park
Join the women of Crossway for a morning of Sunrise prayer on Saturday, September 14th starting at 6 AM. We’ll meet at the North Pavilion of South Shore Park. Bright your own blanket, chair, coffee or tea. Youth girls are also welcome to attend. Contact Danica if you have any questions.
Bi-Monthly Family Meeting | Sunday, Sept. 22nd | following service until 11:30am
Please stick around after service for a short family meeting with church updates.
Save the Date
Getting to know CrossWay (Membership Class) | Sundays, Oct 6th-27th| 8:45am-9:45am | Pre-Service Alverno
Monthly Children's Material
This month, our children will continue to work through The Biggest Story lessons, the New City Catechism, our hymn of the month, and their monthly memory verse. Be sure to grab a copy of the hand motions for the memory verse at our Resource Table. View the full schedule and access these materials on our members' webpage. Parents, we encourage you to use and reinforce this material with your children in your family devotions!
Online giving options are available via PayPal or Tithely.
Our weekly giving and year-to-date totals can be found on our website.
Sermon Materials
This Sunday’s Sermon - Psalm 133: Precious Unity
Current Series - Psalms: Songs for Every Season
The Psalms is a songbook, containing 150 of the greatest songs the world has ever heard. They are a gift from God to His people, instructing our hearts how to walk with God through the many seasons of life in this broken world, be it pain or pleasure. Join us as we explore selected psalms of varying types, that our hearts might sing with God's people through the ages, songs for every season.
Upcoming Series: Ephesians