News & Events


Advent Devotionals
We have available advent devotionals: Everyday Gospel by Paul David Tripp on the resource table, free to everyone.

Care Net Milwaukee Diaper Drive
CW will be partnering with Care Net Milwaukee to help provide basic needs to those choosing to give life to newborns in our city. Care Net offers pregnancy counseling, post abortion counseling, and pregnancy and parenting  classes while sharing Jesus and His light. They offer incentives to attend and give gifts of diapers and other supplies. We will be collecting diapers of any and all sizes through Dec.22nd. Also, they would love any new or gently used maternity clothes, baby clothes, infant toys, strollers, etc. Drop off on Sundays at the resource table or connect with Sue Matthews for weekly drop off or questions.

Upcoming Events

Bi-Monthly Family Meeting | December 8th | following the service until 11:30am
Please stick around after service for a short family meeting with church updates. All are welcome.

Prayer Meeting | Friday, Dec. 13th | 8-9pm | Fink’s Home
There will be a prayer meeting on Friday, Dec. 13th from 8pm- 9pm at the Finks of focus prayer for Crossway, our city, our state and nation, and the world.

CW Women’s Ministry & Milwaukee Rescue Mission | Dec. 12th, 13th & 14th | times vary
Join CrossWay Women's Ministry in partnership with Milwaukee Rescue Mission in a volunteering outreach events on Dec. 12th, 13th & 14th. On Dec. 12, is a chance to help in Gift Wrapping Activity for MRM kids on Christmas. On Dec.13, assist MRM leaders in games/activities for "Friday Fun in the Joy House" . On Dec.14, help in Meal Service Dinner serving our homeless, hungry and hurting neighbors at MRM. Sign up here.

Save the Date

Joint Services with Vertical Church | Dec. 22nd | 6-7 PM | Vertical Church-Wilson Senior Center
On December 22nd, we will celebrate together the birth of Jesus with Vertical Church. Childcare will be provided up to age 5. We will have service at 10am on the 22nd at Alverno as well.


Monthly Children's Material
This month, our children will continue to work through The Biggest Story lessons, the New City Catechism and our hymn of the month, View the full schedule and access these materials on our members' webpage. Parents, we encourage you to use and reinforce this material with your children in your family devotions!


Online giving options are available via PayPal or Tithely.

Our weekly giving and year-to-date totals can be found on our website.

Sermon Materials

This Sunday’s Sermon: Dan-Why He Came: To Bring Conflict (Matt. 10:34)

December Series: Advent-Why He Came, in his own words

Current Series - Ephesians: Immeasurable Riches-Empowered to Walk as God’s Household
The book of Ephesians is concise, practical and powerful. Paul declares that God has poured out blessings upon His redeemed people - His household - out of the immeasurable riches of His grace. Believers are assured that not only is the best is yet to come, but we have power available to us today so that we might walk as is fitting for people rescued from the judgment and power of sin, in every sphere of life. Join us as we behold the immeasurable riches of God’s grace which empower us to live as God’s household.